Tuesday, 26 August 2014

PALAK thokku...(spinach curry)

Palak is kind of spinach...rich in nutrients like vit C, iron & helps to LOSE WEIGHT... It is an excellent option for diabetic patients since it helps to stabilize blood glucose levels..... In tamil, it is known as "PASALAI KEERAI"

Palak thokku is unusual recipe... It goes well with hot rice, curd rice.. It can be served with idli/ dosa/ chapathi... Very easy & delicious recipe.... lets check out the recipe..

Preparation time- 10mins    Cooking time- 15mins


Palak spinach- 1 bunch
Onion- 1
Tomato- 1
Red chilli powder- 1tsp
Coriander powder- 1tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
Garam masala- 1/2tsp
Salt- to taste..


  • First pluck the leaves of palak from its stem & wash it thoroughly... Then place it on a cooker & add 1/4 cup or less than of water & allowed to boil for 1 WHISTLE(not more than that).. once it is boiled well, allowed to cool down...
  • Heat a pan, add olive oil or any kind of cooking oil, add finely chopped onion..saute for 2-3mins... then add finely chopped tomatoes..mix well....with that add the masala powders like chilli, coriander, turmeric powders & garam masala....then sprinkle some salt & mix well....
  • Meanwhile take the palak in a blender & grind into fine paste...
  • Now add the ground paste of palak into the above mixture & mix well... slowly it reduces the water & become thick consistency...switch off the flame...
  • Delicious PALAK THOKKU is ready, can be served with hot rice/ idli/ chapathi....

NOTE- If you want boil 2 eggs & cut at the center of egg & mix with the thokku... It is purely OPTIONAL(but it tastes good either with or without egg)

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